
Before you can use a custom theme, you need to setup a directory in which your template will be kept.

To help you, CopperSmith includes a handy command to quickly scaffold the required directory structure for you.

In your terminal, run:

 copper theme

This will create a templates/[theme] folder inside your sourcePath.

The command will create the following directory structure:

- [sourcePath]/templates
    - [theme]
        - assets
            - css
                - app.css
            - js
                - app.js
        - layouts
            - master.html
        - partials
            - footer.html
            - head.html
            - nav.html
            - scripts.html

Use the assets folder to keep all your site assets such as images, fonts, styles etc. During copper build the entire assets folder will be copied to your build directory. More over at assets

Your theme MUST have a [sourcePath]/templates/[theme]/layouts/master.html file. CopperSmith uses this file to render each page of your site. More over at layouts

The partials directory is where you will keep your page “pieces” that will be included in the master.html layout. More over at partials

By default, the generated theme is setup to use jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap and FontAwesome inside the [sourcePath]/templates/[theme]/partials/head.html and [sourcePath]/templates/[theme]/partials/scripts.html files.